4 Christmas Songs (that you probably don't know)

It's the week before Christmas, so I'm going to do a countdown beginning today from 7 to 1, with 1 being on Christmas Day. Each day will have a different topic.

Today I'm sharing with you 4 Christmas songs that you might not know, but probably should.

#1 "Nations that Long In Darkness" Walked by Andy Gullahorn and Jill Phillips

This is a beautiful, newer song that is rich with the words of Scripture and the implications of Jesus coming into the world.

#2 "O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is" by Paul Gerhardt

Paul Gerhardt is one of the greatest hymn writers in history, but few seem to know this beautiful song.  The words of this are simply beautiful. Below are the words of the first verse.
1     O Jesus Christ,
    Thy manger is
My paradise at which my soul reclineth.
    For there, O Lord,
    Doth lie the Word
Made flesh for us; herein Thy grace forth shineth. 

#3 "From Heaven Above To Earth I Come" by Martin Luther

This one might not be unknown to you if you're Lutheran, but if you're not Lutheran you probably aren't familiar with it.  In this hymn Luther begins with the message of the angels and then moves on to the response of the shepherds (and our response) to Jesus coming to be the Savior. 

#4 "The Camel Song" by Slugs and Bugs (Randall Goodgame)

Okay, this one isn't serious but it is fun. Give it a listen and enjoy the Mark Hamill reference. 

Previous Posts in the series:
7 Christmas Albums
6 Christmas Prophecies 
5 Christmas Quotes 


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