What is Churchmanship?

A while back I mentioned the word "Churchmanship" and had several people ask what I meant by that word; so, here's my attempt to explain.

Churchmanship is the craft of skill of being a churchman.

What then is a churchman?

  • A churchman is one who thinks about the good of the Church.
  • A churchman is a pastor who, when a member of a sister congregation comes to see him, directs that member back to his or her home church and to a conversation with the pastor of that church. 
  • A churchman is a pastor who encourages members of a sister congregation to be faithful in serving that congregation.
  • A churchman is a layperson who loves sister congregations in addition to his or her own congregation and encourages them to be faithful to the Word of God. 
  • A churchman is a pastor who, when he notices that a member of a sister congregation has attended his congregation for two weeks straight, calls the pastor of that sister congregation to let him know what is happening. He also will follow up, if necessary, to help bring reconciliation between the brother pastor and that member. 
  • A churchman is a layperson who wants the Church to grow and be faithful, not just his church.
  • A churchman is one who gladly serves the Lord and has no need to be noticed, remembered, or recognized by others because his service is done in faith, thankfulness, and love for God. 
  • A churchman is one who will not undermine the ministry of another pastor or congregation that is seeking to be faithful. 
  • A churchman is a pastor who is open to God needing him elsewhere and is willing to serve in a situation that is far from his ideal. 
  • A churchman is one who doesn't seek an elected office in the church, but is willing to serve if elected, for the sake of the Church. 
  • A churchman is one who publicly backs his fellow pastor when that pastor has had to make a difficult decision (i.e. not doing a wedding or funeral, not confirming a student yet, etc.). If there is disagreement, he speaks to his brother pastor in private. 
Now, it's also important to note what being a churchman does NOT mean. 
  • Churchmanship IS NOT covering up for the sins of others, but lovingly confronting them in that sin. 
  • Churchmanship IS NOT covering up the disqualifying sins of a pastor so that he can continue to serve, but loving him enough to make sure he no longer serves as a pastor because doing so would be contrary to God's Word and would damage the Church. 
  • Churchmanship IS NOT simply bowing the knee to bureaucracy, but it is, when possible, the willingness to work within the structure to bring necessary changes. If working through that structure can't bring the necessary changes, it is working to change the structure. 
  • Churchmanship does NOT mean that a pastor or layperson must go along with the powers that be, but that where disagreements happen they are addressed a way that is faithful to God's Word. 

When I speak of being a churchman, I do not mean that we are to serve or love the bureaucracy or structure, but that we love and serve Christ's Bride!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject, whether you agree or disagree, because I think this is a conversation worth having.

To close, I want to share a wonderful quote from the great Martin Franzmann.
The church that has forgotten her coming Lord will worship her own "image" instead of her Lord.

The Church belongs to the Lord.  May we treat her and her people with love and respect and always serve in humility. 


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