Invocation for the Ohio House of Representatives

Today I had the honor of opening the Ohio House of Representatives in prayer, thanks to one of my college students who is working there part time putting my name in for consideration.  Below are the words of the prayer.  You'll notice that it isn't a sermon, as that isn't what I was invited to do, but an earnest prayer to the Triune God who has promised to hear and answer the prayers of His people. We are commanded to pray for our leaders and today I had the chance to do so publicly, in their presence. If you'd like, you can watch the video of the prayer here. (it's the 11-16-2016)

Lord God, we give you thanks for this day that you have made. Your mercies are new every morning and You have seen fit to grant us another day and all that we need to support our bodies and lives this day. Indeed, this is the day that You have made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Today we pray for all who are in authority, but especially these men and women who have been elected to serve the people of Ohio as members of this house of representatives. 

Gracious Father, we thank You for the gift of government and we pray that you would grant wisdom to these men and women, that the actions they take would always be for the security and good order of those whom they serve. 

Grant to these representatives humility, a spirit of sacrifice for the common welfare, an understanding of justice and a willingness to uphold it, as well as joy in their service.  Grant them the courage to defend and speak up for the most vulnerable in our society, from the unborn to the elderly, and all in-between.

We thank you also for the aids and assistants whose labor is invaluable to the work of this state and this House of Representatives.  We pray that they too would know the significance of their work and find fulfillment in doing their jobs well.

Lord of hosts, we thank You for men and women who work to keep us safe by their service in the military, police departments, and fire departments. Grant them safety as they serve to protect us.
Great Physician, we also ask that you would grant good health to these men and women and to their families.  Where there are health issues, grant them strength for the day and help them to find their hope in You.

Triune God, you have commanded that your people who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus should pray for those whom you have placed in authority so that we might lead quiet and peaceful lives and do the work of sharing the good news of Jesus with all people, and today I am pleased to do just that.

These things and all other things You would have us ask of You, O God, grant us for the sake of Your Son Jesus. Amen.


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