Saved From What?

Often Christians speak of being "saved."  This is good, proper, and Biblical language, however it begs the question: saved from what?

Well the Bible tells us the answer to that and it is helpful for us to know the answer because when we do, we will love Jesus more and have a deeper appreciation for what He has done for us.

  • Jesus saves us from the eternal fire of hell. (Matthew 18:8-9).
  • Jesus saves us from eternal separation from God. (Matthew 25:41)
  • Jesus saves us from eternal punishment. (Matthew 25:46)
  • Jesus saves us from suffering while knowing that others are enjoying the joys of heaven. (Luke 13:28)
  • Jesus saves us from eternal destruction. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) Note that "destruction" here doesn't mean that those in hell are destroyed and cease to exist.  Think of it as more in terms of the opposite of construction.  They will be in eternal ruin. 
  • Jesus saves us from a hell that is relentless in its agony.  (Mark 9:48)
These are some of the eternal things from which Jesus saves us.  However, Jesus saving work isn't limited to the "afterlife."
  • Jesus saves us from having to worry. (Matthew 6:27-34)
  • Jesus saves us from having to worry about our standing before God. (Romans 3:20-28)
  • Jesus saves us from living lives that are meaningless. (Ephesians 2:10)
The list could go on.  Maybe you could add to the list too?  But it is helpful and beneficial for us to consider from what we have been saved so that we can have an even greater love and appreciation for the Savior.


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