Saved For What?

In my previous post I shared what the Bible says Jesus saves us from.  But Jesus doesn't just save us from those things, He also saves for a purpose.

For what does Jesus save us?

  • Jesus saves you for self-sacrificial love and humble service to others. (Philippians 2:3-13)
  • Jesus saves you for serving out your vocation of wife. (Colossians 3:18)
  • Jesus saves you for serving out your vocation of husband. (Colossians 3:19)
  • Jesus saves you for serving out your vocation of child. (Colossians 3:20)
  • Jesus saves you for serving out your vocation of parent. (Colossians 3:21)
  • Jesus saves you for serving out your vocation of worker. (Colossians 3:22)
  • Jesus saves you for serving out your vocation of employer. (Colossians 3:23)
  • Jesus saves you for praying and praising God together with other Christians. (Colossians 3:16)
  • Jesus saves you for doing the good works He has prepared for you. (Ephesians 2:10)
  • Jesus saves you for the resurrection from death to life everlasting. (1 Corinthians 15)
Jesus also saves you to.
  • Jesus saves you to the family of God. (Matthew 12:49)
  • Jesus saves you to be His treasured possession. (1 Peter 2:9)
  • Jesus saves you to receive an eternal inheritance. (Colossians 1:12)
  • Jesus saves you to be part of His people. (1 Peter 2:10)
  • Jesus saves you to be a part of the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12)
  • Jesus saves you to encourage other Christians in their walk with Christ. (Hebrews 10:24)
  • Jesus saves you to gather often and regularly with other Christians around His Word and Sacraments. (Hebrews 10:25)

Again, this is far from a complete list, but it is worth considering and reflecting on as we enter into Holy Week.


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