איכה: Where Are you?

"Where are you God?"

It's a question that has been asked and prayed countless times in the history of humanity.  It's a question we ask when things are bad.  It's a question we ask when we are struggling.

"Where are you?"

It's a question that has been the starting point for so many people in their "search for God."  Countless attempts have been made to "find" God through meditation, fasting, prayer, pilgrimages, and hard work.

But humans were not the first to speak this question; God was.  The very first words spoken by God (actually one word איכה in Hebrew) spoken by God after the fall into sin was not a word of judgment, but a calling to Adam and Eve to return to Him.

"Where are you?" God asked Adam and Eve.  Of course God knew where they were.  They question wasn't asked for His benefit, but for theirs.  He was calling them back to Him, even in their guilt.  They had sinned against Him and because of their sin, the entire world was changed and death was now very real.

However, God's first word wasn't that of judgment, but of lovingly calling them to come out of hiding and return to Him.  "Where are you?" God asked.

And really, God hasn't changed His call.  He still calls out to sinners, "Where are you?"  He still calls them to return to Him, to repent, and to be forgiven of their sins.  He still calls us to come out of hiding and be clothed with Christ Jesus.

Every Sunday morning, when the bell is ringing, it is the voice of God calling "Where are you?  Come and receive my forgiveness!  Come, trade your sin for Christ's perfection!  Come, unload your burden, Christ has already paid for it!"

Every time a Christian invites another person to church or Bible class or simply shares the Gospel with them, it is the voice of God calling out "Where are you?  I have gifts to give you!  Come and receive!"

Every time a Christian reaches out to an inactive member, it is the voice of God saying, "Where are you?  I have gifts for you!  I have missed you!  You are needed in my church!"

'Where are you?" Jesus calls.  "You don't need to look for me.  I came for you.  I am here for you.  Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

What a wonderful word of God this is; "Where are you?" .


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