Jesus Sinners Doth Receive

Below is my newest newsletter article for April 2013.
Jesus sinners doth receive.

That’s been our hymn of the month and it’s the message of lent, the message of Holy Week, the message of the Cross, and the message of the church.  It’s been said before and it is worth repeating, if sinners weren’t allowed in Christ’s church, it would be empty.  The church is there for sinners.

Consider those surrounding Jesus at the Last Supper; John, the beloved disciple, who wanted the place of power, authority, and glory in Jesus kingdom because he had desired personal glorification.  Thomas, who doubted the words of Jesus that He would rise from the dead, even after the other disciples told him that they had seen the resurrected Jesus.  Peter, who denied Jesus three times.

And yet Jesus got down on His hands and knees to wash the feet of these sinners.

Consider the thief on the cross, who knew that he deserved to die for his sins.  There was no doubt that he was a sinner, yet when he said to Jesus, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom,” Jesus receives this thief.  “Today, You will be with me in paradise.”

Consider those whom Jesus called and used to lead His church.  Saul, later to be known as Paul, was active in persecuting the church, jailing and killing Christians.  Yet it was this sinful man that Jesus received and used as perhaps the greatest missionary of all time.  The chief of sinners became the chief evangelist.

Jesus sinners doth receive; Maundy Thursday we see Jesus wash the feet of His disciples and give to His church His body and blood in Holy Communion, a gift of forgiveness for sinners.  Good Friday we see Jesus offer up His life as the perfect sacrifices for sinners.  And on Easter we celebrate that Jesus has conquered death, which was a punishment that was brought about because of sin, so that sinners might receive everlasting life too!

So we can sin, with sorrow in our hearts about our sin but joy in our mouths because of our savior;

 “I, a sinner come to Thee
With a penitent confession.
Savior, mercy show to me;
Grant for all my sins remission.
Let these words my soul relieve;
Jesus sinners doth receive.”

“Oh, how blest it is to know;
Were as scarlet my transgression,
It shall be as white as snow
By Thy blood and bitter passion;
For these words I now believe;
Jesus sinners doth receive."

God’s blessings,
Pastor  Meyer


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