The First Commandment

The Romans perfected the use of the archway.  Without mortar or cement, these archways held together so well that some are still in existence today.  The key to the archway was the heavy, perfectly fitted, keystone that was at the center of the archway.

The archway would hold together as long as the keystone was in place and held it's integrity.  However, remove the keystone or have it crumble, and the archway will quickly fall to the ground.

In a very real way, the First Commandment is like the keystone of an archway.  When God is first in your life, when you truly do fear, love, and trust in God above all things, then the other things fall into place.

When you honor God then you will...
  • honor parents and others in authority, even if they don't deserve it, out of love for God.
  • use God's name properly.
  • desire to be in God's house to receive his gifts.
  • love your neighbors rather than hurt or murder them.
  • use our words to build up rather than tear down.
  • use God's gift of sexuality in God's intended ways.
  • not covet, but be content with what we have..
So truly, all of the commandments are found in the first commandment.  If we put God first, the other things will follow.


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