Book of the Week: Baptized Into God's Family

Without a doubt, this book is the best I've come across on the subject of baptism.  The author, A. Andrew Das, is a world class scholar, but writes in a style and with vocabulary that is easily grasped by a general audience.  In this book he defends the Biblical teaching of baptism, explains the background and history of baptism, and teaches what God does through baptism.
The chapter titles give a good summary of what the book covers.
1.  Baptism and Original Sin
2.  Baptism for Salvation and Forgiveness of Sins
3.  Infant Faith and Baptism--Part I
4.  Infant Faith and Baptism--Part II
5.  Christ's Command in Matthew 28:18-20
6.  Paul's Comparison of Circumcision and Baptism
7.  Jewish Baptismal Customs at the time of Christ
8.  The Baptism of Entire Families and Households
9. Members, by Baptism, of the Family of God!
10.  The Testimony of the Early Church
11.  The Summary of the Early Church
Conclusion: The Riches of God's Grace

If you want to know more about what the Bible teaches on Baptism or have a friend who does, this is the book to get.  It's only about 150 pages long too, so you won't have to wade through a huge book in order to gain the information.  
You can get this book here

I haven't had time to blog with Christine out of town, but at least I can do this.


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