Evangelism, Apologetics, and Assimilation Resources
I thought it might be useful to put my things concerning evangelism and assimilation in one post for easy access. Just click on a post below and off you go. Evangelism Evangelism in the Rural Setting: Part I, Obstacles Evangelism in the Rural Setting: Part II, Advantages Evangelism in the Rural Setting: Part III, Getting Started Apologetics Mocking Christians Prepared: Ready to Witness in Rural and Small Town Areas (webinar) Assimilation Assimilation in Rural and Small Town Congregations (webinar) Something I forgot to mention that I should have, is simply doing a time and talent survey that involves everyone in the congregation (especially new members) and then following up by making use of the information. A Welcoming Congregation (a Bible Study I put together for my congregation). A book I found particularly helpful in thinking about assimilation is " Inviting Community " which is edited by Kolb and Hopkins. Each chapter was written by a s...