Some Biblical Wisdom for an Election Year
Hey, in case you didn't know, 2016 is a presidential election year (of course you knew that). This means that you need to be prepared for... commercial breaks dominated by political ads (use your DVR and skip commercials and listen to your mp3 player or CD's if at all possible to avoid the ads). politicians appearing on every platform possible (comedy shows, sporting events, making a Christmas album...okay let's hope they don't make a Christmas album). bumper stickers and bumper sticker style politics, which is among the lowest forms of political discourse. disagreeing with friends and fellow Christians concerning political issues. That last one is a biggie, because when it comes to politics, Christians have often been as bad as non-Christians when it comes to attacking others. So here is some Biblical wisdom to apply in this election year. Don't take offense at what others post on Facebook or say about a candidate or issue. The vexation of a...