Baby Joel, Miscarriage, and the Love of God
Below is what I wrote for the church newsletter some 6 years ago after we lost a child, Joel, to miscarriage. Maybe it can be of some comfort to others who are enduring or have endured such a tragedy. “ Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.” (Job 1:21) What a blessing the people of God are! We have been surrounded with love and support, lifted up in prayer, and embraced with loving arms during this difficult time. You are likely aware by now that while on vacation, Christine and I lost our unborn baby. While the tragedy of a miscarriage is terribly difficult, we give thanks to God for the loving, supportive, and prayerful people of God during this time. We truly appreciate the cards, phone calls, hugs, tears, meals, and everything else that you have given to us during this time. We have lost a member of our family. Though unborn, our baby...